Dead end!

This site is currently under constrution, so there's no entrance link yet. If/when I get it in working order, I'll add a link to get in. For now, you're stuck with just a splash page!

Warning! This site contains autoplay on some pages. The controls will be visible on all pages containing it, so you can still experience audio pages without enabling autoplay.

DISCLAIMER: this website is a work of unfiction/unreality: meaning, it is entirely a work of fiction despite any appearances to the contrary. All of the stories discussed are either made up or fictionalized versions of existing stories. Some information may be factual, but it will not be specificed as so, so do not use this site as a factual source in any way. Some sources linked may be factual, and others may works of fiction; something having source linked does not mean it is factual. This site is created by catgirlcassie, you can check out my site here!